How to treat dandruff at home Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing well!! Winter has come and it brings so many problems for our hair such as dandruff, itchy scalp, dry hair etc. So you have to do proper care of your hair. And dandruff is one of the problems that affects every single person. So guys, I am gonna show you some of the home remedies and tips that can reduce the dandruff. These home remedies and tips are not magic you have to use it twice a month to get dandruff free scalp. Dandruff causes due to dry hair, stress and poor hair brushing. Now let's get started....... HOME REMEDIES TO CURE DANDRUFF There are so many home remedies which you can use on daily basis to get rid of dandruff. I am gonna tell you some of the best home remedies to get rid of dandruff and these have proven to be so effective. 1.CURD AND HONEY I also have used this remedy many times. It makes my hair soft and silky and also reduces dandruff and itchy scalp. C...
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